Answer to the Question 08/00
The question was:
Consider a thin charged spherical shell with time dependent radius
R(t)=Ro+A*cos(wt) and total charge Q. How much power will
be radiated by this shell?
(3/01) We received various solutions of the problem from
Jürgen Holetzeck (14/9/2000) from Wiesbaden, Germany (e-mail,
Nadav Shnerb (20/9/00) from Department of Physics in
Judea and Samaria College, Israel (e-mail,
Michael Cohen (2/10/00) from Department of Physics & Astronomy at University of
Pennsylvania (e-mail,
Kirk T. McDonald (5/10/00) from Princeton University
Zoran Hadzibabic (8/12/00) from MIT (e-mail,
Luis F. Rodriguez (27/1/01) from Institute of Astronomy of the
National Autonomuos Institute of Mexico (e-mail,
Sylvain Wolf (5/3/01) from
University of Lausanne, Switzerland (e-mail,
and Itzhak Shapir (18/3/01)
The answer: There will be no radiation.
The solution:
There are several ways to see that there will be no radiation from the sphere:
(a) The radiation consists of multipoles (dipole (magnetic or electric)
radiation, quadrupole radiation, etc.) The symmetry of the source is "monopole",
since clearly there is no directional dependence. Since there is no such thing as
"monopole radiation", the spherical shell will not radiate. One can also say that
by symmetry both electric and magnetic fields must be radial, while far away from the
source the electromagnetic wave must be transverse!
(b) Let us to calculate the electromagnetic fields more carefully.
The (particular Fourier component (frequency) of the) vector potential A at
position x can be found by integrating
the expression (1/c)J(x')exp[(w/c)|x-x'|]/|x-x'|
over the positions x' of the source of radiation which is the (Fourier component of the) current
density J(x'). Due to symmetry of the source the results of this
integration will be of the form f(r)r where f(r) is some function
of the distance from the center of the sphere and r is the radius-vector.
[See, e.g.., Ch.9 in J.D. Jackson, Classical electrodynamics, Wiley, NY, 2nd edition (1975).
The equations above are written in Gaussian units.] Since curl of radial vector A
vanishes, the magnetic field will be zero everywhere and therefore there will be no radiation.
(c) Gauss law is applicable also in dynamic circumstances. If we draw
a large sphere around our source charges, and assume that the electric field is
isotropic, i.e. is in radial direction, and depends only on the distance from
the center, then we reach a conclusion that the electric field is
is constant in time. Consequently, we do not expect any radiation.
(d) Because of the symmetry the magnetic field B must point in radial
direction and depend only on the distance from the center. This, together with
equation div B=0, leads to the conclusion that B=0 everywhere.
Consequently, there is no radiation.
Comment: Michael Cohen told us that this problem appears as a problem
in Sec. 14 of the Classical Electricity and Magnetism by
W.K.H. Panofsky and M. Phillips.
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