Answer to the Question 03/00
The question was:
By placing brick on top of another brick, slightly shifted as shown in the figure,
we can create a situation that the top brick in such a pile
is displaced horizontally by h
relative to the bottom brick. Can this be done for an arbitrary h? What is
the optimal way to do it?
(3/2000) The problem has been solved
by Avi Nagar (e-mail,
by Lluis Batet from Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
by Andrew Wiggin
and by Robert White
The solution: If the topmost brick is shifted by 1/2 brick relatively to the
brick below it, and the second-from-the-top brick is shifted by 1/4
brick relatively to the brick below it, ... , n-from-the-top brick is shifted by
1/(2n) brick relatively to the brick below it, - then there is no limit to the displacement
of the bricks, because the series Sum{n=1 to n=infinity}(1/n) diverges(*).
At the same time one can directly verify the the center of mass of any k top-most
bricks is exactly above the edge of the brick just below them: Let us calculate
the horizontal position of the center-of-mass of k top-most bricks relative to the brick
just below them.
The displacement of the top-most brick in such a situation is (1/2)[1+1/2+1/3+...+1/k],
the location of the second-from-the top is (1/2)[1/2+1/3+...+1/k], etc., and consequently
position of the center of mass
i.e. it is exactly above the edge of the brick below them.
Since at every level the bricks above a given brick are shifted to their extreme
positions, the solution presented here is optimal for any number of bricks.
* Note: For finite sum (up to a large integer N)
Sum{n=1 to n=N}(1/n)=ln(N)+Gamma, where Gamma is Euler's constant. Thus, for a particular
displacement h expressed in the units of single brick length
we will need exp(2*h-Gamma) (rounded to the next integer) bricks.
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