- Generalized If-Then-Else Operator for Compact Polynomial Representation of Multi Output Functions. EUROMICRO, 1.09.2011, Oulu, Finland
- Science and Technology Education in Postindustrial Society, Forum "Technology and Learning", TAU, 19.03.2012
- Concept of Non-exactness in Science Education. New Perspective for Science Education. Florence, Italy, March, 2012
- Digital Curation as Learning Activity, EDULEARN Conference. July 2012, Barcelona
- Children’s Concept Learning in Solving Logic Problems, EDULEARN Conference. July 2012, Barcelona
- Hybrid Models in Developing System Thinking, System Dynamics Conference, July 2012, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Cognitive Complexity of Boolean Problems, International Workshop on Boolean Problems, September 2012, Freiberg, Germany
- Recognition vs Reverse Engineering in Boolean Concepts Learning, Int. Conf. on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA 2012), Madrid, October, 2012.
- Major Trends of Education in Information Society, Haifa University Seminar "Man, Technology and Education", 14.11.2012.
- Academic Education in Era of Digital Culture. Keynote lecture, International Conference Social Media in Academia (SMART 2013), 7.06.2013, Bacau, Romania, (some nice slides were developed by Marc Davis (Microsoft), I am grateful to Marc).
- Playing God: Modeling and Simulation in the Philosophy Classroom, The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy, University of Maryland, July 16. 2013.
- Eve of Digital Enlightenment. Technical University of Prague. Informatics Evenings Lecture Series, December 16, 2013.
- Taxonomy of Research in Digital Design. Prague Embedded Systems Workshop, June, 2014.
- Digital Design in Contemporary Computer Engineering Curriculum. International symposium on advances in computer engineering education, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, April, 2015.
- Information Revolution as Global Culture Phenomenon. Orange Institute for Internet Studies - Tel Aviv University, April, 2015.
- Digital Revolution: from Enlightenment to Entanglement. Partner Institute for Internet Studies - Tel Aviv University, April, 2016.
- Study of Ontological and Epistemological Worldviews of Science Teachers in the Digital Age. MOFET Institute, May, 2016.
- The Essence of Technology. Colloquia of “Education in Digital Society” class, May 2016
- Teacher’s Worldview in Digital Epoch. Seminar in “Education in Digital Society” class, May, 2016
- From Enlightenment to Entanglement. Seminar presentation, February, 2017.
- Scientific Inquiry in the Digital Age. Presentation on the Conference New Perspectives in Science Education, Florence, Italy, 16 - 17 March 2017.