Prize Committee
Prof. Nir Giladi, The Heinrich (Yehezkel) Sieratzki Chair of Neurology, TAU
Prof. Illana Gozes, The Adams Super Center for Brain Studies & Sagol School of Neuroscience, TAU
Dr. Harry (Jechil) Sieratzki
Retired members of the Prize Committee
Prof. Amos Korczyn, Emeritus Sieratzki Professor of Neurology, Tel Aviv University
We thank our referees who have generously given their time and expertise
- Prof. Yael Amitai, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva
- Prof. Yaniv Assaf, Tel Aviv University
- Prof. Bernard Attali, Tel Aviv University
- Prof. Peter Brown, University College London
- Prof. Geoffrey Burnstock, Emeritus Professor, University College London
- Prof. Ashley Bush, University of Melbourne
- Prof. Brian Butterworth, University College London
- Prof. Don Cleveland, University of California at San Diego
- Dr. Roi Cohen-Kadosh, University of Oxford
- Prof. Karl Deisseroth, Stanford University
- Prof. José A. Esteban, CSIC/Univ. Autonoma of Madrid
- Prof. Michael Feinzilber, Weizmann Institute for Science
- Prof. Derek Jones, University of Cardiff
- Prof. Robert T Knight, University of California, Berkeley
- Prof. Yitzhak Koch, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot
- Prof. Ilan Lotan, Tel Aviv University
- Prof. Baruch Minke, Hebrew University Jerusalem
- Prof. Cynthia Moss, University of Maryland
- Prof. Denis Pare, Rutgers University, Newark
- Prof. Allan E Rubenstein, New York University
- Dr. Michal Sharon, Weizmann Institute of Science
- Prof. Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler, University of Tübingen
- Prof. Jeffery Twiss, Drexel University, Philadelphia
- Prof. Vincent Walsh, University College London
- Prof. Bencie Woll, University College London