Ph.D. Students

  • Adam Nathaniel
  • Ran Snitkovsky    Notes on Rational Queueing, 2020.
  • Ricky Roet-Green   Information in queueing systems with strategic customers, 2013.
  • Gail Gilboa-Freedman   Strategic behavior in a queue and a model for network evolution, 2011.
  • Danny Segev   Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems in combinatorial optimization, 2007.
  • Nili Guttmann-Beck   Approximation algorithms for three optimization problems on graphs, 2005.
  • E. Or    An analytic approach to clustering models with outliers, and a capacitated vertex cover problem, 2005.
  • Asaf Levin   Synthesis of flow networks, 2003.
  • Shlomi Rubinstein   Approximation algorithms for special cases of the maximum quadratic assignment problem, 2000.
  • Tali Eilam Tzoreff    Disjoint paths in graphs, with additional constraints, 1996.

    M.Sc. Students

  • Shmuel Itzhaki     Sequential subgame perfect equilibrium with waiting and lateness cost.
  • Yuval Brief     A Strategic double-ended queuing model for shared transportation, 2024.
  • Jonathan Milo     On two models of choice between an observable queue and an unobservable queue with heterogeneous servers, 2023.
  • Nir Yarom    Parking Strategy in an infinite line, 2021.
  • Nimrod Dvir (jointly supervised with Uri Yechiali)   Strategic behaviour in a tandem queue with alternating server,  2019.
  • Adam Nathaniel   A cyclic queueing game,  2017.
  • Roei Engel    Customer equilibrium in a single-Server system with virtual and system queues, 2016.
  • Renata Poznanski    Integrality in the multi-network equal-flow problem, 2016.
  • Alexandra Koshman   Optimal control of a queue with high-low delay announcements: the significance of the queue, 2015.
  • Anna Sarid    A survey on dichotomous search     and related problems, 2013.
  • Ohad Schneider    A local search algorithm for binary maximum 2-path partitioning, 2012.
  • Barak Yair Reif    A sequential competitive resource allocation game, 2012.
  • Itamar Elem   Minimal Gc-cuts in graphs (jointly supervised with J. Monnot), 2011.
  • Jenny Erlichman   Equilibrium solutions in the observable M/M/1 queue with overtaking, 2009.
  • Yana Kleiner   Equilibrium and optimal arrival patterns to a server with opening and closing times, 2007.
  • G. Goraly    Multi-color pebble motion on graphs, 2007.
  • Sharon Mendel   Scheduling arrivals to queues: a model with no-shows, 2006.
  • Ori Einstein    The solutions to all your problems, 2003.
  • Mati Shani    Single and parallel machine scheduling with earliness and tardiness penalties, 2002.
  • Ari Veltman   Equilibrium strategies of service providers in a queueing system: the case of complementary pricing,2000.
  • Sigal Levy    Optimising chemotherapy scheduling using search heuristics, 1999.
  • Asaf Levin   Graphs which are k-connected and graphs decomposable into k disjoint spanning trees, 1998.
  • Shimon Shahar    Increasing graph connectivity by edge reversal and contraction, 1997.
  • Nili Guttmann   Min-sum and min-max tree cover problems, 1995.
  • Shlomi Rubinstein   Approximations for the maximum acyclic subgraph problem,1994.
  • Limor Klein    Restricted solutions for delivery problems,1994.
  • Dana Morad    Lexicographic local search for the p-center problem,1993.
  • Michal Benelli    Chain cover of partitions, 1991.
  • Reuven Ben-Tsvi    Optimization of traffic signal control, 1990.
  • Reuven Hotovely    Asymptotic analysis of dichotomous search with search and travel costs, 1989.
  • David Nir    Heuristics for a flow-shop model with parallel machines and setup times, 1989.
  • Yael Wittenberg    Bus routing with flexible arrival times, 1987.
  • Shoshana Anily   Computing the k-best solution for binary search trees, 1982.
  • Michal Stern    Generalizations of a bisection theorem of minimum spanning trees, 1981.
  • Liliana Lang    Scheduling equal-length tasks on identical processors subject to treelike precedence constraints, 1981.
  • Shula Israelit    An assignment problem of workers to parallel machines, 1980.

    Postdoctoral researchers

  • Yair Shaki    2010-2011.   
  • Uri Yovel    2012-2013.   
  • Liron Ravner    2015-2016.   
  • Souvik Ghosh    2019-2020.   
  • Jiesen Wang    2022-2023