Supplementary information for the paper:

Trade-off between transcriptome plasticity and genome evolution in cephalopods

Cell  169, 191–202 (2017)

December 19th 2017: Files have been updated to fix minor issues. The original version can be found here.



          FASTA files containing the de-novo constructed transcriptomes:

·         [Squid]

·         [Sepia]

·         [Octopus vulgaris]

·         [Octopus bimaculoides]

·         [Nautilus]

·         [Aplysia]



          Detected editing sites (genome-free method):

·         [Editing sites found in each species]

·         [Conserved editing sites]


              Detected editing sites for Octopus bimaculoides (REDItools genome-based method):

·         [All (900K) sites]

·         [Sites in CDS, found by both methods]

·         [GO enrichment results]