112. H.T. Porath, E. Hazan, H. Shpigler, M. Cohen, M. Band, Y. Ben-Shahar, E.Y. Levanon, E. Eisenberg, G. Bloch
RNA editing is abundant and correlates with task performance in a social bumblebee
Nature Comm. 10, 1605 (2019)
111. M.R. Goldberg, L. Nachshon, T. Sinai, N. Epstein‐Rigbi, Y. Oren, E. Eisenberg, Y. Katz, A. Elizur
Risk factors for reduced bone mineral density measurements in milk‐allergic patients
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 29, 850-856 (2018)
110. E. Eisenberg and E.Y. Levanon
A-to-I RNA editing -- immune protector and transcriptome diversifier
Nature Review Genetics 19, 473-490 (2018)
109. L. Shallev, E. Kopel, A. Feiglin, G.S. Leichner, D. Avni, Y. Sidi, E. Eisenberg, A. Barzilai, E.Y. Levanon and S. Greenberger
Decreased A-to-I RNA editing as a source of keratinocytes dsRNA in psoriasis
RNA 24, 828-840 (2018)
108. V. Cesarini, D.A. Silvestris, V. Tassinari, S. Tomaselli, S. Alon, E. Eisenberg, F. Locatelli and A. Gallo
ADAR2/miR-589-3p axis controls glioblastoma cell migration/invasion
Nucleic Acid Res. 46, 2045-2059 (2018)
107. Y. Pinto, I. Buchumenski, E.Y. Levanon and E. Eisenberg
Nucleic Acid Res. 46, 71-82 (2018)
106. I.C. Vallecillo-Viejo, N. Liscovitch-Brauer, M.F. Montiel-Gonzalez, E. Eisenberg, J.J.C. Rosenthal
RNA Biology 15, 104-114 (2018)
105. H.T. Porath, B.A. Knisbacher, E. Eisenberg, E.Y. Levanon
Massive A-to-I RNA editing is common across the Metazoa and correlates with dsRNA abundance
Genome Biol. 18, 185 (2017)
104. H.T. Porath, A. Schaffer, P. Kaniewska, S. Alon, E. Eisenberg, J. Rosenthal, E.Y. Levanon, O. Levy
A-to-I RNA editing in the earliest-diverging eumetazoan phyla
Mol. Biol. Evol. 34, 1890-1901 (2017)
103. N. Liscovitch-Brauer, S. Alon, H.T. Porath, B. Elstein, R. Unger, T. Ziv, A. Admon, E.Y. Levanon, J.J.C. Rosenthal and E. Eisenberg
Trade-off between Transcriptome Plasticity and Genome Evolution in Cephalopods
Cell 169, 191–202 (2017)
Coverage: New-York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, The Conversation, Nature, Science, Nature Review Genetics, Phys.org, The Scientist, New Scientist, WIRED, PLoS, Popular Science, Scientific American, Science News, Davidson Institute (Hebrew),
102. N. Gal-Mark, L. Shallev, S. Sweetat, M. Barak, J.B. Li, E.Y. Levanon, E. Eisenberg and O. Behar
Sci Rep. 7:43421 (2017).
101. Z. Ben-Moshe Livne, S. Alon, D. Vallone, Y. Bayleyen, A. Tovin, I. Shainer, L.G. Nisembaum, I. Aviram, S. Smadja-Storz, M. Fuentes, J. Falcón, E. Eisenberg, D.C. Klein, H.A. Burgess, N.S. Foulkes and Y. Gothilf
Genetically Blocking the Zebrafish Pineal Clock Affects Circadian Behavior
PLoS Genet. 12, e1006445 (2016)
100. J. Jeffet, A. Kobo, T. Su, A. Grunwald, O. Green, A.N. Nilsson, E. Eisenberg, T. Ambjörnsson, F. Westerlund, E. Weinhold, D. Shabat, P.K. Purohit and Y. Ebenstein
Super-Resolution Genome Mapping in Silicon Nanochannels
ACS Nano 10, 9823-9830 (2016)
99. K. Khermesh, A.M. D'Erchia, M. Barak, A. Annese, C. Wachtel, E.Y. Levanon, E. Picardi and E. Eisenberg
Reduced levels of protein recoding by A-to-I RNA editing in Alzheimer's disease
RNA 22, 290-302 (2016)
98. E. Eisenberg
Proteome diversification by genomic parasites
Genome Biology 17:17 (2016)
97. Paz-Yaacov, L. Bazak, H.T.Porath, I. Buchumenski, M. Danan-Gotthold, B.A. Knisbacher, E. Eisenberg and E.Y. Levanon
Elevated RNA Editing Activity is a Major Contributor to Transcriptomic Diversity in Tumors
Cell Reports 13, 267-276 (2015)
96. M.R. Goldberg, L. Nachshon, M.Y. Appel, A. Elizur, M.B. Levy, E. Eisenberg, H.A. Sampson and Y. Katz
Efficacy of baked milk oral immunotherapy in baked milk-reactive allergic patients
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 136, 1601-1606 (2015)
95. M. Danan-Gotthold, R. Golan-Gerstl, E. Eisenberg, K. Meir, R. Karni and E.Y. Levanon
Identification of recurrent regulated alternative splicing events across human solid tumors
Nucleic Acid Res. 43, 5130-5144 (2015)
94. S. Alon, M. Erew and E. Eisenberg
Bioinformatics 31, 2568-2570 (2015)
93. S. Alon and E. Eisenberg
Using Deep Sequencing Data for Identification of Editing Sites in Mature miRNAs
Methods in Molecular Biology, 1269, 231-242 (2015)
92. S. Alon, S.C. Garrett, E.Y. Levanon, S. Olson, B.R. Graveley, J.J.C. Rosenthal and E. Eisenberg
eLife 4, e05198 (2015)
91. S. Tomaselli, F. Galeano, S. Alon, S. Raho, S. Galardi, V.A. Polito, C. Presutti, S. Vincenti, E. Eisenberg, F. Locatelli and A. Gallo
Modulation of microRNA editing, expression and processing through ADAR2 deaminase in glioblastoma
Genome Biology 16:5 (2015)
90. E.Y. Levanon and E. Eisenberg
Does RNA editing compensate for Alu invasion of the primate genome?
BioEssays 37, 175-181 (2015)
89. L. Nachshon, M. R Goldberg, N. Schwartz, T. Sinai, R. Amitzur-Levy, A. Elizur, E. Eisenberg and Y. Katz
Decreased bone mineral density in young adult IgE-mediated cow's milkallergic patients
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 134, 1108-1111 (2014)
88. E. Sagi and E. Eisenberg
Topological phase transition in a discrete quasicrystal
Phys. Rev. E 90, 012105 (2014)
87. L. Bazak, E.Y. Levanon and E. Eisenberg
Genome-wide analysis of Alu editability
Nucleic Acid Res. 42, 6876-6884 (2014)
86. Z. Ben-Moshe, S. Alon, P. Mracek, L. Faigenbloom, A. Tovin, G. Vatine, E. Eisenberg, N. Foulkes, and Y. Gothilf
Nucleic Acid Res. 42, 3750-3767 (2014)
85. L. Bazak, A. Haviv, M. Barak, J. Jacob-Hirsch, P. Deng, R. Zhang, F.J. Isaacs, G. Rechavi, J.B. Li, E. Eisenberg and E.Y. Levanon
Genome Research 24, 365-376 (2014)
84. S. Alon and E. Eisenberg
Identifying RNA Editing Sites in miRNAs by Deep Sequencing
Methods in Molecular Biology, 1038, 159-170 (2013)
83. E. Eisenberg and E.Y. Levanon
Human housekeeping genes, revisited
Trends in Genetics, 29, 569-574 (2013)
(see Corrigendum, ibid 30, 119-120 (2014))
82. M. Goldberg, E. Eisenberg, A. Elizur, N. Rajuan, M. Rachmiel, A. Cohen, G. Zadik-Mnuhin, Y. Katz
Role of parental atopy in cow's milk allergy: a population-based study
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81. F. Vigneault, D. Ter-Ovanesyan, S. Alon, S. Eminaga, D.C. Christodoulou, J.G. Seidman, E. Eisenberg, G.M. Church
High-Throughput Multiplex Sequencing of miRNA
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80. A. Tovin, S. Alon, Z. Ben-Moshe, P. Mracek, G. Vatine, N.S. Foulkes, J. Jacob-Hirsch, G. Rechavi, R. Toyama, S.L. Coon, D.C. Klein, E. Eisenberg and Y. Gothilf
PLoS Genetics, 8, e1003116 (2012)
79. S. Alon, E. Mor, F. Vigneault, G. Church, F. Locatelli, F. Galeano, A. Gallo, N. Shomron and E. Eisenberg
Systematic identification of edited microRNAs in the human brain
Genome Research, 22, 1533-1540 (2012)
78. H. Levit, Z. Rotman and E. Eisenberg
Jamming, relaxation, and crystallization of a supercooled fluid in a three-dimensional lattice
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77. E. Eisenberg
Bioinformatic Approaches for Identification of A-to-I Editing Sites
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76. Z. Lindenfeld, E. Eisenberg and R. Lifshitz
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75. S. Alon, F. Vigneault, S. Eminaga, D.C. Christodoulou, J.G. Seidman, G.M. Church and E. Eisenberg
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74. Y. Katz, N. Rajuan, M.R. Goldberg, E. Eisenberg, E. Heyman, A. Cohen and M. Leshno
Supplementation with cow's milk at birth is not recommended: Reply
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73. O. Levy, P. Kaniewska, S. Alon, E. Eisenberg, S. Karako-Lampert, L.K. Bay, R. Reef, M. Rodriguez-Lanetty, D.J. Miller, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg
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72. Z. Rotman and E. Eisenberg
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71. Z. Rotman and E. Eisenberg
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70. S. Greenberger, E.Y. Levanon, N. Paz, A. Barzilai, M. Safran, S. Osenberg, N. Amariglio, G. Rechavi and E. Eisenberg
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69. Y. Kleinberger and E. Eisenberg
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68. N. Paz-Yaacov, E.Y. Levanon, E. Nevo, Y. Kinar, A. Harmelin, J. Jacob-Hirsch, N. Amariglio, E. Eisenberg, and G. Rechavi
A-to-I RNA editing shapes transcriptome diversity
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67. Y. Katz, N. Rajuan, M.R. Goldberg, E. Eisenberg, E. Heyman, A. Cohen, M. Leshno
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66. E. Eisenberg, J.B. Li and E.Y. Levanon
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65. Z. Rotman and E. Eisenberg
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62. S. Osenberg, D. Dominissini, G. Rechavi and E. Eisenberg
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61. S. Alon, E. Eisenberg, J. Jacob-Hirsch, G. Rechavi, G. Vatine, R. Toyama, I.B. Dawid, S.L. Coon, D.C. Klein and Y. Gothilf
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60. S. Carmi, E.Y. Levanon and E. Eisenberg
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44. E. Eisenberg, K. Adamsky, L. Cohen, N. Amariglio, A. Hirshberg, G. Rechavi and E.Y. Levanon
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reprinted from Trends in Genetics, with permission from Elsevier.
42. M. Havilio, E.Y. Levanon,
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41. E.Y. Levanon, M. Hallegger,
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