TV Productions | Podcasts | Timna Archive | King Solomon's Legacy? | The Domesticated Camel | Metal Workers | Textile | Fortifications (David?) | Early Dyeing | Women's Role | Edom's Tech | Interpreting Nomads | Solomon's Mines (again) | Royal Purple | Copper to Egypt (21 Dynasty) | Interpreting Nomads (Continued) | Environmental Catastrophe | The Midianites | Metalliferous Pollution
Here one may find a selectoin of media articles from around the world featuring research of the Central Timna Valley (CTV) Project, and a collectoin of items related to previous work in the valley.
Featured Stories:
Dec 29, 2014. Top Ten Biblical Archaeology Discoveries in 2014. Biblical Archaeology Society.
October 11, 2019. The Invisibles’ Kingdom (in Hebrew). Haaretz Magazine.
December 2021. An Archaeological Dig Reignites the Debate Over the Old Testament’s Historical Accuracy. Smithsonian Magazine.
May 11, 2017. "King Solomon's Treasures" - Season 2, Episode 2 of "Secrets of the Underground" (Science Channel)
October 29, 2018. "King Solomon's Mines" - Season 5, Episode 6 of "Secrets" (Smithsonian Channel)
November 1, 2019. "Secrets of the Bible" - Season 2, Episode 4 of "In Search Of" (History Channel)
June 1, 2020. "Park Timna and Its Archaeological Treasures" - in "L'Chaim" (Jewish Broadcasting Service)
June 2, 2022. "Mystery of Solomon's Mines" - Season 7, Episode 7 of "Forbidden History" (Science Channel / Discovery)
December 16, 2019. "The Central Timna Valley Project & Rethinking Iron Age Nomads" - Episode 23 of "foreigncy's podcasts" (foreigncy)
September 1, 2020. On Park Timna (Part 1: "Timna and The Metallurgical Revolution") - By "Shemamythos" - Eilot region's podcast series (Hebrew)
January 27, 2021. On Park Timna (Part 2: "Timna and Biblical Kingdoms") - By "Shemamythos" - Eilot region's podcast series (Hebrew)
February 5, 2021. On the discovery of a ‘Biblical’ royal purple cloth - By "Times Will Tell" - Times of Israel's podcast series
November 10, 2021. Nomadism and Architectural Bias in Archaeology - OnScript: Biblical World (hosted by Kyle Keimer and Chris McKinny)
Sept 2, 2013. The seeds have shown: Timna was at its peak during King Solomon. Haaretz. (Hebrew)
Sept 3, 2013. Timna: Science has restored the kingdom to its former glory. Israel Today. (Hebrew)
Sept 4, 2013. King Solomon-Era Mines discovered in Israel. The Telegraph.
Sept 5, 2013. The Search Continues for King Solomon's Mines. History.com.
Sept 6, 2013. King Solomon-Era Mines Were Misattributed to Ancient Egyptians, Researchers Say. Huffington Post.