
This quotation is taken from Thomas P. Weissert, "Representation and Bifurcation: Borges's Garden of Chaos Dynamics", Hayles, N. Katherine (ed.) Chaos Bound: Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science, Ithaca and London, Cornell UP (1990).

Similar points of view appear in: For a thorough cirticism of this approach in reading Borges' texts, see Leo Corry, "Algunas Ideas Científicas en la Obra de Jorge Luis Borges y su Contexto Histórico", in Myrna Solotorevsky and Ruth Fine (eds.), Borges en Jerusalén, Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert/Iberoamericana (2003), pp. 49-74. [Electronically available at]

Calculating the Limits of Poetic License:
Fictional Narrative and the History of Mathematics

Leo Corry - Tel Aviv University