Publications |
Publication list For a list of publications according to research topic ::1966 Die romanischen Wandmalereien der ehemaligen Abteikirche Saint-Chef (Dauphine), Basler Studien zur Kunstgeschichte, Neue Folge, 7, Bern 1966. ::1970 Baroque Architecture in Rome and its Connection to Imperial Roman Architecture," Eshkolot ' Journal Dedicated to the Study of Classical Culture and its Legacy, 6 (1970), pp. 85-106 (in Hebrew). ::1972 "Architectural Design as Conceived by the School of Urbino,
(1460-1512)," in: M. Barash (ed.), Studies in Art (Scripta
Hierosolymitana, 24), Publications of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1972, pp. 132-145. ::1973 ''Local Christian Art in Twelfth-Century Jerusalem,'' Israel Exploration Journal, 23:3-4 (1973), pp. 165-175, 221-229. ::1976 ''A Local Trend in Crusader Art in Jerusalem,'' in: Y. Yadin (ed.), Jerusalem Revealed: Archaeology in the Holy City, 1968-1974, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 1976, pp. 114-115. ::1979 ''The Sculpted Lintels of the Crusader Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem,'' in: B.Z. Kedar (ed.), Jerusalem in the Middle Ages: Selected Papers, Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, Jerusalem 1979, pp. 316-326 (in Hebrew). ::1980 ''The Devouring Monster. A Source for the Depiction of Hell in Romanesque Last Judgments,'' Assaph - Studies in Art History, 1 (1980), pp. 67-86. ::1981 ''Quelques aspects de l'iconographie des vingt-quatre vieillards dans la sculpture française du XIIe siècle,'' Cahiers de civilisation m?di?vale, 24:3-4 (1981), pp. 233-239 (with Ruth Bartal). ::1985 "Emotion, Beauty and Franciscan Piety: A New Reading of the Magdalene Chapel in the Lower Church of Assisi," Studi Medievali, ser. 3, 26:2 (1985), pp. 699-710. ::1986 ''The Figurative Western Lintel of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem,'' in: V.P. Goss (ed.), The Meeting of Two Worlds: Cultural Exchange Between East and West During the Period of the Crusades, Studies in Medieval Culture, 21, Medieval institute publications, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 1986, pp. 123-132. :: 1986 ''Symbolic Meaning in Crusader Architecture: The Twelfth-Century Dome of the Holy Sepulcher Church in Jerusalem,'' Cahiers archéologiques, 34 (1986), pp. 109-117. ::1986 ''Les modillons de Saintonge et du Poitou comme manifestation de la culture laïque,'' Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 29:4 (1986), pp. 311-330. ::1987 ''Symbolic Meaning in Crusader Architecture: The Twelfth-Century Dome of the Holy Sepulchre,'' in: B.Z. Kedar (ed.),The Crusaders in their Kingdom 1099-1291,Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, Jerusalem 1987, pp. 169-179 (in Hebrew). ::1989 ''La sculpture croisée en Orient," Le monde de la Bible, 61 (1989), pp. 37-40. ::1989 "Artist and God in the Inscription of Natalis the Romanesque Sculptor,'' in: Z. Rubinsohn (ed.), Perlman Book 33 Researches in Classical Culture and its Inheritance, Lester and Sally Entin faculty of the humanities, Tel Aviv University 1989, pp. 211-217 (in Hebrew). ::1989 ''Unnoticed Self-Representations of Romanesque Sculptors in Twelfth-Century France,'' in: I. Lavin (ed.), World Art: Themes of Unity in Diversity, Pennsylvania State University Press 1989, vol. II, pp. 487-493. ::1990 ''L'évêque, le comte et le charpentier: à propos de deux monuments commémoratifs du XIIe siècle à Notre Dame du Puy,'' Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 33:3 (1990), pp. 205-217. ::1990 Basic Concepts of Medieval Art, Broadcast University, Ministry of Defense Publishing House, Tel Aviv 1990 (in Hebrew). ::1992 ''A Neglected Series of Crusader Sculpture: The Ninety-Six Corbels of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre," Israel Exploration Journal, 42:1-2 (1992), pp. 103-113. ::1992 ''The Cathedral of Sebaste: Its Western Donors and Models,'' in: B.Z. Kedar (ed.), The Horns of Hattin, Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, Israel Exploration Society, Variorum, Jerusalem and London 1992, pp. 99-121. ::1992 ''The Margins of Society in Marginal Romanesque Sculpture," Gesta, 31:1 (1992), pp. 15-24. ::1993 "Costume and Disguise as Signs and Symbols of Medieval Visual Culture," Assaph - Studies in the Theatre, 9 (1993), pp. 1-9. ::1993 "Aspects of the Image of the Cry in Medieval Art," Motar, 1 (1993), pp. 73-77 (in Hebrew). ::1995 ''Aspects des relations entre 'centre' et 'périphérie': La cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Sens, et Saint-Jean de Sebasté'' in: L. Pressouyre (ed.), Pèlerinages et croisades, Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, Paris 1995, pp. 315-320. ::1995 Aspects of Gothic Art, Broadcast University, Ministry of Defense publishing house, Tel Aviv 1995 (in Hebrew). ::1995 Marginal Sculpture in Medieval France: Towards the Deciphering of an Enigmatic Pictorial Language, Scolar Press, Aldershot 1995. ::1996 "Ornamental Forms as Structural Forms in Medieval Art," Motar, 3 (1996), pp. 45-52 (in Hebrew). ::1996 "Female Stereotypes: Model and Representation," Motar, 4 (1996), pp. 15-20 (in Hebrew). ::1996 "The New Image of Women in Early Christian Art," Assaph - Studies in Art History, 2 (1996), pp. 83-93. ::1997 "Les deux linteaux de l'église du Saint-Sépulcre de Jérusalem'' in: M. Rey-Delqué (ed.), Les Croisades: l'Orient et l'Occident d'Urbain II a Saint Louis (1096-1270), Electa, Milano 1997, pp. 286-291. ::1997 "The Role and Meanings of Crusader Architectural Decoration: From Local Romanesque Tradition to Gothic Hegemony," in: H. E. Mayer (ed.), Die Kreuzfahrerstaaten als multikulturelle Gesellschaft: Einwanderer und Minderheiten im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert, (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien 37), Munchen 1997, pp. 165-178. ::1998 ''Armenian Architecture in Twelfth-Century Jerusalem,'' Assaph - Studies in Art History, 3 (1998), pp. 77-92. ::1998 "The Ekphrastic Components of Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris," in: V. Robillard and E. Jongeneel (eds.), Pictures into Words: Theoretical and Descriptive Approaches to Ekphrasis, VU university press, Amsterdam 1998, pp. 145-155. ::1998 ''Alienor d'Aquitaine conduite en captivité: Les peintures murales commemoratives de Sainte-Radegonde de Chinon,'' Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 41:4 (1998), pp. 317-330. ::1998 Images of Women in Medieval Art, Broadcast University, Ministry of Defense publishing house, Tel Aviv 1998 (in Hebrew). ::1999 "Sculpture Aloft: The Forgotten Meanings of Memorial Sculpture on Church Roofs and Towers," in: W. Reinink and J. Stumpel (eds.), Memory and Oblivion, Kluwer academic publishing, Dordrecht 1999, pp. 719-726. ::1999 "The Two Lintels of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem," in: S. Rozenberg (ed.), Knights of the Holy Land. The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem 1999, pp. 176-186. ::1999 ''Des sculptures <de toit>: Les statues des arcs-boutants de la Cathédrale de Laon,'' aBulletin archéologique du comitédes travaux historiques et scientifiques, 27 (1999), pp. 67-79. ::2000 ''Theodora, Harlot Queen or Oriental Empress: A New Interpretation of her Image in San Vitale,'' in: N. Yaari (ed.), On Interpretations in the Arts. Interdisciplinary Studies in Honor of Moshe Lazar, Yolanda and David Katz faculty of the arts, Tel Aviv University 2000, pp. 99-112. ::2000 Birds of Paradise. Marie Balian and the Armenian Ceramics of Jerusalem, Eretz-Israel Museum, Tel Aviv 2000. ::2000 ''The Legacy of Aquitaine in 12th-Century Castile and Sicily: Eleanor of Aquitaine and her Daughters as Patrons of the Arts,'' in: A. Ovadiah (ed.), Mediterranean Cultural Interaction (The Howard Gilman International Conferences, II), Ramot publishing house, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 2000, pp. 213-229. ::2001 "The Significance of a Twelfth-Century Sculptural Group: Le Retour du Croisé," in: M. Balard, B.Z. Kedar and J. Riley-Smith (eds.), Dei gesta per Francos : études sur les croisades dédiées à Jean Richard - Crusade Studies in Honor of Jean Richard, Ashgate, Aldershot 2001, pp. 29-44 (with B.Z. Kedar). ::2001 "Medieval Patrons and Artists: Aspects of their Enigmatic Identities," Zemanim, 77 (2001-2002), pp. 20-27 (in Hebrew). ::2001 "La Terrasanta," in: M. D'Onofrio (ed.), La La sculltura d’età normanna tra Inghilterra e Terrasanta, Laterza Roma and Bari 2001, pp. 225-253. ::2001 Le copie dei mosaici medievali di San Giovanni Evangelista, Ravenna 2001 (With Raffaella F. Campanati) ::2001 The Armenian Ceramics of Jerusalem: Three Generations, 1919-2000, Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv 2001 (in Hebrew). ::2002 Romanesque Sculpture. The Revival of Monumental Sculpture in Medieval Europe, Hakibbutz Hameuchad publishing house, Tel Aviv 2002 (in Hebrew). ::2002 "Ceiling Painting and their Possible Sources in European Popular Art," in : S. Sharif (Safadi) (ed.), Hidden Palaces: Wall and Ceiling Painting in Ottoman Palestine (1856-1917), Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv 2002, pp. 72-75. ::2002 "Interaction of Marginal and Official Iconography: The West Façade of St. Hilaire in Foussais - Its Oral, Visual and Literary Sources," in: N. Kenaan-Kedar and A. Ovadiah (eds.), The Metamorphosis of Marginal Images: From Antiquity to Present Time, Yolanda and David Katz faculty of the arts, Tel Aviv University 2002, pp. 159-174. ::2003 "The impact of Eleanor of Aquitaine on the visual arts in France," in: M. Aurell (ed.), Culture politique des Plantagenet (1154-1224), Centre d'études supérieures de civilisation médiévale, Poitiers 2003, pp. 39-60. ::2003 The Armenian Ceramics of Jerusalem: Three Generations, 1919-2003, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, Eretz-Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv 2003. ::2003 "Royal Patronage in Ravenna: Its Attitudes and Boundaries," in: N. Kenaan-Kedar and A. Ovadiah (eds.), Arst and Crafts : Interrelations and Boundaries, Yolanda and David Katz faculty of the arts, Tel Aviv University 2003, pp. 59-74 (in Hebrew). ::2003 ''Design in Center and Periphery: Three Generations of Armenian Ceramic Artists in Jerusalem,'' Interpreting Ceramics, 4 (2003). ::2004 'A Glimpse of Paradise' The Ceramic Mural by Marie Balian in Koresh Street", Jerusalem," Ariel, 168 (Dec. 2004), pp. 6-11 (in Hebrew). ::2004 "Aliénor d'Aquitaine et les arts visuels, de l'art dynastique à l'art courtois," in: Aliénor d'Aquitaine (303 - Arts, recherches et cr?ations, numero hors série), Nantes 2004, pp.83-91. ::2004 "Architectural Sculpture of the Latin Kingdom: Its Eastern and Western Sources," Assaph - Studies in Art History, 9 (2004), pp. 85-104. ::2005 "The Conch - an Object and a Symbolic Form," Motar, 13 (2005), pp. 9-12 (in Hebrew). ::2005 "The Wall Painting in the Chapel of Sainte-Radegonde at Chinon in the Historical Context," in: C. Arrignon, M.-H. Debiès, C. Galderisi and É. Palazzo (eds.), Cinquante années d'études médiévales à la confluence de nos disciplines (Centre d'études supérieures de civilisation médiévale, Poitiers), Brepols, Turnhout 2005, pp. 43-51. ::2005 "Deutsche Einwanderer und die bildende Kunst in der israelischen Gesellschaft," in: M. Zimmermann and Y. Hotam (eds.), Zweimal Heimat - Die Jeckes zwischen Mitteleuropa und Nahost, Frankfurt am Main 2005, pp. 243-254. ::2006 Modern Creations from an Ancient Land: Metal Craft and Design in the First Decades of Israel's Independence, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem, Eretz-Israel Museum, Tel Aviv (200 pp, 220 illus.) ::2006 "The Contribution of the Immigrants from Germany, the Yekkes, to the Place of Visual Art in Israely Society," in: M. Zimmermann and Y. Hotam (eds.), Between Two Homelands - The "Yekkes", The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish history and the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German history, Jerusalem 2006, pp. 220-230 (in Hebrew). ::2006 "Les chapiteaux des portes de l'enceinte de Césarée (1251-1252): de la tradition romane à l'art gothique," in: N. Faucherre, B. Z. Kedar and J. Mesqui (eds.), L'architecture en Terre sainte au temps de Saint Louis, (Bulletin Monumental 164:1), Société française d'archéologie 2006, pp. 95-98. ::2006 The Corbel Series of Saint Maurice Cathedral in Vienne: Roman and Medieval sources" Assaph, studies in Art History, Vols.10-11,Tel-Aviv 2005-2006 pp.595-611. ::2007 "The Enigmatic Sepulchral Monument of Berengaria (ca. 1170-1230), Queen of England (1191-1199)", Assaph, Studies in Art History, Vol.12,Tel-Aviv 2007, pp. 49-63. ::2007 "Eitan Gross- Local Imagery as Inspiration for an Artistic Language", Eitan Gross, Ramat-Gan, 2007, pp.43-45 ::2008 The Art of Goldsmithing: Jacobi Jewelry in the Early Years of Israel's Statehood, Eretz-Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv and Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi , Jerusalem ( 180 pp., 150 illu.) ::2009 The Madonna of the Prickly Pear Cactus: Tradition and Innovation in 19th- and 20th-century Christian Art in the Holy Land, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem, 2009 (Hebrew). ::2010 The Madonna of the Prickly Pear Cactus: Tradition and Innovation in 19th- and 20th-century Christian Art in the Holy Land, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem. Forthcoming 2012: ::"Spiritual Joy in Words and Images in the Franciscan Church of the Visitation at Ain Karim" (17pp. + 8 illustrations) in: Happiness or its Absence, ed. R.Milano, ::"Sculpted Palmyrian Funerary Female Portraits with Extensive Jewelry Sets: A Revisionist Reading of Their Meanings and Impact" (ca. 15 pp. + 8 illustrations) in: Art History -- The Future Is Now. Studies in Honor of Vladimir Peter Goss Celebrating his 70th Birthday September 2012 ::The Architectural Sculpture of Monfort Castle Revisited", In: Montfort I: History, Early Research and Recent Studies (ed. Adrian Boas) 2012 ::Dialogues in Local Christian Art of 20th Century Nazareth: The Architecture and Images of Three Monastic Churches (Carmelite, Salesian and Franciscan)." Nazareth Municipality 2012
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