[ 1 ]
V. Pagonis, A.G. Wintle, R. Chen and X.L. Wang
A theoretical model for a new dating protocol for quartz based on thermally transferred OSL (TT-OSL)
Presented in SSD15, Delft, July 2007
[ 2 ]
R. Chen, V. Pagonis and J.L. Lawless
Duplicitous thermoluminescence peak associated with a thermal release of electrons and holes from trapping states
Presented in SSD15, Delft, July 2007
[ 3 ]
D. Chen and R. Chen
Revisiting Relaxation-Based Algorithms for the Solution of the Continuous and Discrete P-Center Problems
Presented at EWGLA XVI, Estoril, Portugal, February 2007
[ 4 ]
V. Pagonis, A.G. Wintle, R. Chen and X.L. Wang
A theoretical model for a new dating protocol for quartz based on thermally transferred OSL (TT-OSL)
4th New World Luminescence Dating and Dosimetry Workshop, Denver, CO, 2006
[ 5 ]
V. Pagonis and R. Chen
Simulation of OSL pulse-annealing at different heating rates: Conclusions concerning the evaluated trappint parameters and lifetimes
First Asia Pacific Luminescence dosimetry (APLD2006) conference, Hong-Kong, October 2006
[ 6 ]
N. Kristianpoller, W. Chen, D. Weiss, D. Kuzmin and R. Chen
Irradiation Effects in Barium Halide Crystals
EURADIM, Milano, Italy, July 2006
[ 7 ]
N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Radiation effects in KMgF3 Crystals
Presented in EURODIM 2002, Wroclaw, July 2002
[ 8 ]
N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss, R. Chen and N. Khaidukov
Luminescence of CsGd2F7 Crystals
13th Int. Conf. Sol. State Dosimetry, Athens, Greece, July 2001
[ 10 ]
R. Chen and P.L. Leung
Pulse and Integral Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL); Similarities and Dissimilarities to Thermoluminescence (TL) Dose Dependence and Dose-Rate Effects
III International Conference, XIII National Congress on Solid State Dosimetry, Toluca, Mexico, September 2000. Published in the Proceedings, pp. 1-16
[ 11 ]
R. Chen, P.L. Leung and M.J. Stokes
Anomalous Fading of Thermoluminescence Associated with Competition with Radiationless Transitions
9th Int. Conf. Luminescence and ESR Dating, Rome, September 1999
[ 12 ]
N. Kristianpoller, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Irradiation Effects in LiF:Eu3+
10th Int. Conf. Radiation Effects in Insulators, Jena, Germany, July 1999
[ 13 ]
J. Brimberg, R. Chen and D. Chen
Accelerating Convergence in the Fermat-Weber Location Problem
Presented in EURO XIV, 14th European Conference on Operational Research, Jerusalem, July 1995
[ 14 ]
F. Siegel, R. Chen, J.E. Vaz and V.K. Mathur
Integrated Thermoluminescence Radiometrics in the Location of Producer Oil Wells, Helez Field, Israel
presented in the 17th Int. Geochem. Explorat. Symp., Townsville, Australia, May 1995
[ 15 ]
R. Chen, G. Fogel and C.K. Lee
A New Look on the Models of Superlinear Dose Dependence of Thermoluminescence
Invited Paper ,presented in the 11th Int. Conf. Sol. St. Dosim., Budapest, Hungary, July, 1995.
[ 16 ]
R. Chen
Nonlinearities in Thermoluminescence
Invited Lecture, VII congreso Nacional sobre Dosimetria Termoluminescente y Temas Afines, Mexico-City, Sept. 1994
[ 17 ]
L. Nagli, A. Shmilevich D. Bunimowich, R. Chen, A. Katzir and N. Kristianpoller
Luminescence and Point Defects in Mixed Silver Halides
Int. Conf. Luminescence, Storrs, Connecticut, August 1993
[ 18 ]
*A. Shmilevich, N. Nagli, A. Katzir, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller
Iodide Centers in AgBr Crystals, Int. Conf. Defects in Insulating Materials
Schloss-Nordkirchen, Germany, August, 1992. Pub.: World Scientific Publishers, Eds. O. Kanert and J.M. Spaeth, 514-516 (1993)
[ 19 ]
*L. Oster, A. Katzir, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller
Effects of Irradiation and of Thermal Treatment on Optical Properties of Mixed AgCl-AgBr Crystals
Int. Conf. Defects in Insulating Materials. Schloss-Nordkirchen, Germany, August, 1992. Pub.: World Scientific Publishers, Eds. O. Kanert and J.M. Spaeth, 883-885 (1993)
[ 20 ]
*M. Abu-Rayya, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller
Effects of Irradiation and of Thermal Treatment on the Luminescence Properties of Synthetic Quartz
Int. Conf. Defects in Insulating Materials. Schloss-Nordkirchen, Germany, August, 1992. Pub.: World Scientific Publishers, Eds. O. Kanert and J.M. Spaeth, 880-882 (1993)
[ 21 ]
L. Nagli, R. Chen, A. Katzir, N. Kristianpoller, L. Oster and A. Shmilevich
Studies of Mixed Silver Halides: Single Crystals, Polycrystalline Materials and Optical Fibers
Israel Phys. Soc. Meeting, Rehovot, April 1992. Bull. Israel Phys. Soc. 38, 138 (1992)
[ 23 ]
R. Chen
Dynamic Equilibrium between Excitation and De-Excitation of TL by Sunlight
Miniconference on Archaeometry, College Park, MD. (July, 1989)
[ 24 ]
N. Kristianpoller, B. Trieman, R. Chen and Y. Kirsh
Thermally Stimulated Conductivity and Luminescence in Fluoroperovskites
Intl. Conf. Def. Ionic Crystals, Parma, Italy (August, 1988), pp. 455-456 in the Proceedings
[ 25 ]
*R. Chen, S.W.S. McKeever and X.H. Yang
Superlinearity in the Dose Dependence of the 110oC Peak in Quartz
Proc. 3rd. Australian Archaeometry Conf., Ed. J.R. Prescott, pp. 79-85 (1988)
[ 26 ]
S.W.S. McKeever, X.H. Yang and R. Chen
Radiation-Induced Defects in Quartz: Relevance to the Pre-Dose effect in Thermoluminescence Dosimetry
Int. Conf. on Defects in Insulating Crystals, Parma, Italy (Aug., 1988)
[ 27 ]
X.H. Yang, R. Chen and S.W.S. McKeever
Superlinearity in the TL Response of Crystalline Quartz
76th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Northwestern State University (Nov., 1987)
[ 28 ]
R. Chen
Thermally Stimulated Processes in Physics
Invited Lecture, 7th Israeli Conference of Thermal Analysis, Tel-Aviv (Feb., 1987)
[ 30 ]
G.Y. Handler and R. Chen
A Relaxation Method for the Solution of Conditional and Unconditional Minimax Location-Allocation (M-Center) Problems in Euclidean Space
12th Int. Symp. Math. Prog., MIT (august, 1985).
[ 31 ]
V.K. Mathur, J.F. Rhodes, R. Chen, M.D. Brown, S.W.S. McKeever and R.K. Bull
Analysis of TL and Isothermal Decay Arising from Simultaneous Detrapping of Electrons and Holes
Int. Conf. Defects in Insulating Crystals, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City (august, 1984)
[ 32 ]
R. Chen, V. Mathur, J.F. Rhodes, M.D. Brown, S.W.S. McKeever and R.K. Bull
TL Governed by Simultaneous Thermal Stimulation of Electrons and Holes
Am. Phys. Soc. Meeting (March 1984)
[ 34 ]
*S.W.S. McKeever and R. Chen
TL Response to Dose: Numerical Solution of the Equations Describing the Build-up of TL During Irradiation
II Specialist Seminar on TL Dating, Oxford. Published: European PACT J. 6, 243-251 (1982)
[ 38 ]
Z. Davidson, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller
Kinetics of Thermally Stimulated Processes Due to Ionic Migration
Israel Phys. Soc. Meeting (1978)
[ 40 ]
J.M. Reyes, M. Sayer, R, Chen and A. Mansingh
Impurity Conduction in VO2
CAP Congress, Toronto, Canada (1975)
[ 41 ]
S.A.A. Winer, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller
Bleaching Effects of the Main TL Peak in Semiconducting Diamonds
Israel Phys. Soc. Meeting (1974)
[ 42 ]
S.A.A. Winer, N. Kristianpoller and R. Chen
Red Glow Curve in Semiconducting Diamonds Excited at 80K and 180K
Israel Phys. Soc. Meeting (1974).
[ 43 ]
M. Sayer, S. Segal and R. Chen
Thermionic Emission from Conducting Ceramics
CAP Meeting, St. John's, Newfoundland (1974)
[ 44 ]
M. Sayer and R. Chen
Optical Absorption and Photo-conductivity in Oxide Glasses,
American Ceramic Soc. Meeting, Chicago IL (1974). Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 53, 389 (1974)
[ 45 ]
S.A.A. Winer, N. Kristianpoller and R. Chen
Comparison between the Red and Blue Emission from Semiconducting Diamond
Israel Phys. Soc. Meeting (1973)
[ 46 ]
*R. Chen
On the Analysis of Thermogravimetric Data
Conf. on Thermophysical Properties, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (1973). Proc. 6th Symp. Thermophys. Prop. ASME, N.Y. 321-325 (1973)
[ 47 ]
*S. Wiener, N. Kristianpoller and R. Chen
Thermoluminescence of Semiconducting Diamond
Int. Conf. Lumin. Leningrad, USSR (1972). Published: Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz., 722-724 (1973)
[ 48 ]
*I.M. Blair, J.A. Edgington, R. Chen and R.A. Jahn
Low Temperature TL of Apollo 14 Lunar Samples
Third Lunar Conf., Houston, Texas, USA. Proceedings: MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. V. 3, 2949-2953 (1972)
[ 49 ]
*S.A. Durrani, W. Prachyabrued, D. Christodoulides, J.H. Fremlin, J.A. Edgington, R. Chen and I.M. Blair
High Temperature TL of Apollo 12 Lunar Samples
Third Lunar Conf., Houston, Texas, USA. Proceedings: MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., V.3, 2955-2970 (1972)
[ 50 ]
R. Chen and A. Halperin
Calculation of Recombination Probabilities of Conduction Carriers in Crystals
Israel Phys. Soc. Meeting (1966)
[ 51 ]
*R. Chen, and A. Halperin
Superlinear Excitation of TL in Diamonds
Proc. Int. Conf. Lumin., Budapest, 1414-1417 (1966)
[ 52 ]
R. Chen and A. Halperin
TL in Semiconducting Diamonds
Israel Phys. Soc. Meeting (1965)
[ 53 ]
A. Halperin and R. Chen
Excitation of Thermoluminescence in Semiconducting Diamonds
Diamond Conference, Reading, England (1965)