This is the story of a nearly forgotten
chapter of the Holocaust—of over 16,000
Jewish women, girls and children, their
origins, itineraries and fates, who suffered
in the horrendous Nazi concentration camp
for women, Ravensbrück. As a historian,
Judith Buber Agassi was struck by the changing
conditions, countries of origin, and fates of
these women during 5 distinct periods during
the 6 years of the camp's existence. As a
sociologist, she studied the social relations
of the Jewish prisoners among themselves
as well as with the non-Jewish majority.
After the mass murder of Jewish prisoners
early in 1942, a larger group organization
became impossible, but the Jewish women
developed a special and effective form of
small-group organization, the so-called
camp-families. As a sociologist of gender,
she surveyed the educational background
and patterns of behavior specific to Jewish
women, and has produced an impressive study.
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About the book:
- Dr. Werner Becker, Professor of Political Philosophy
at the universities of Giessen and Frankfurt (English/German)
- Dr. Gilya Gerda Schmidt, Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Chair of the Fern and Manfred Steinfeld Program in Judaic Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (English)
- Malachi Haim Hacohen, Associate Professor and Bass Fellow, History, Political Science and Religion,
Duke University (English)
- Sigrid Jacobeit, Professor of History, Humboldt University, Berlin, and Director of the Ravensbrück Memorial 1992-2005 (English/German)
- Jancis Long, Psychologists for Social Responsibility,
USA, and the Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA (English)
- Dr. Judith Lorber, Professor Emerita, City University of New York
and author of Paradoxes of Gender (English)
- Anonymous referee to Wisconsin University Press that accepted the book for publication before it got into financial troubles (English)
- Winifred Rothenberg, Professor of American History, Tufts University (English)
- Vittorio Dan Segre, Reuben Hecht Professor
(Emeritus) of Zionism and Jewish Political Thought at Haifa University, head of L’Istituto
Studi Mediterranei dell’Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano (English)
- Yakov M Rabkin, Professor of History, University of Montreal (English)
- Shevach Weiss, Author, Professor of Political
Science, Haifa University, Past Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, and Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council (English)