Medically Important Fungi


Fungal Morphology in Tissues
Budding cells with short pseudohyphae and no branching
Aspergillus - septate hyphae with branching at an acute angle

Mucor - broad, short non-septate hyphae
Round to [American] football-shaped with narrow-based budding, often has a large, thick surrounding capsule
Small, round yeasts are usually intracellular
Large thick-walled spherules filled with endospores
Blastomyces - Rounded yeasts with broad-based budding

Paracoccidioides - large yeast with small peripheral buds ("captain's wheel')
These dermatophytes produce superficial skin infections such as Tinea corporis ("ringworm") and Tinea pedis ("athlete's foot"). The thin hyphae have various fruiting structures
Classed as a fungus but proliferates like a protozoan, with each organism giving rise to 8 intracystic bodies