Prof. Shoshana Bar-Nun
Ph.D.: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1976
Phone: (Office): +972-3-6408984
(Lab): +972-3-6406695
(Home): +972-3-6094174
Fax (Office): +972-3-6406834
Room#: Room 613 (office); room 611 (lab)
Member's portrait

The Discovery of p97/Cdc48 and its Role in ERAD

In 2000 we discovered that the p97, and its conserved yeast homologue Cdc48, is an essential component of ERAD that takes part in the elimination of virtually all ERAD substrates (Rabinovich et al., 2002). The p97/Cdc48 is a cytosolic homo-hexameric AAA-ATPase that functions as a molecular machine.  Initially, we found p97 in association with a luminal ERAD substrate and subsequently demonstrated the role of its homologue Cdc48 in the degradation in yeast of two well-established ERAD substrates, membrane 6myc-Hmg2 and the luminal CPY* (Rabinovich et al. 2002). To date, p97/Cdc48 is a hallmark of ERAD, although it also participates in several other cellular functions (Bar-Nun, 2005). Being an ATPase that resides in the cytosol, p97/Cdc48 provides the driving force for dislocating ERAD substrates from the ER back to the cytosol, as the stabilized luminal ERAD substrate CPY* remained trapped within the ER lumen in the temperature-sensitive cdc48-10  mutant (Elkabetz et al., 2004).


Interrelations between Cdc48 and proteasomal AAA-ATPases: The 26S proteasome complex is composed of a 20S proteolytic chamber and a 19S regulatory cap. Several AAA-ATPases (known in yeast as Rpt1-6) form a hetero-hexameric ring at the base of this 19S regulatory particle. We have shown that the proteolytic activity of the proteasome is dispensable for the dislocation a luminal ERAD substrate (Elkabetz et al., 2004) but two of the 19S regulatory particle subunits, Rpt2 and Rpt4, are essential for ERAD. While Rpt2 is required for degradation of every proteasomal substrate, since it gates the entry of substrates into the proteolytic chamber, Rpt4 is essential for the elimination only of ERAD substrates and is dispensable for degradation of cytosolic proteins (Lipson et al., 2008). Interestingly, Rpt4 is involved in dislocation of ERAD substrates, a role already assigned to Cdc48 (Elkabetz et al., 2004). Further experiments on the interrelations between these two AAA-ATPases suggest that Cdc48 extracts the substrate from the ER, while Rpt4 is required for transferring the substrate from Cdc48 to the proteasome (Lipson et al., 2008). We also studied the gating of the 20S catalytic particle and showed that degradation of cytosolic and ERAD substrates was similarly accelerated upon truncation of the N-termini of the 20S subunits a3 and a7 known to gate the proteolytic chamber (Rabinovich et al., 2006).

fig 2

Cdc48 Suppressors: Ssz1 and the link between ERAD and PDR: In its role in ERAD, Cdc48 collaborates with Ufd1 and Npl4, forming a Cdc48-Ufd1-Npl4 complex. In genetic screens for suppressors of cdc48 temperature-sensitive mutants, we have identified SSZ1 and show that it upregulates Cdc48 via the pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) network. A pSSZ1 plasmid restored the impaired ERAD of the membrane substrates 6myc-Hmg2 in yeast cells carrying mutations in cdc48, ufd1 and npl4, while deletion of the SSZ1 gene had no effect. Ssz1p activates Pdr1p, the PDR master regulator. Indeed, plasmids of PDR1 or its target gene RPN4 increased the levels of mutant Cdc48 protein and restored ERAD in the cdc48-10 temperature-sensitive mutant. Rpn4 regulates transcription of proteasome subunits but also of CDC48, thus RPN4 deletion abolished ERAD. However, the diminished proteasome level in Drpn4 was sufficient for degrading a cytosolic substrate, whereas the impaired ERAD-M was the result of diminished levels of Cdc48 and indeed, ERAD was restored by expression of pCDC48. The restored ERAD-M in the hypomorphic strains of the Cdc48 partners ufd1-2 and npl4-1 by the pCDC48 plasmid, and in cdc48-10 temperature-sensitive mutant by the pcdc48-10 plasmid, combined with the finding that neither pSSZ1 nor pcdc48-10 restored ERAD-L of CPY*-HA, support our conclusion that Ssz1 suppressing effects is brought about by upregulating Cdc48(Bosis et al., 2009). These findings uncover a regulatory link between PDR, which induces membrane transporters for efflux of cytotoxic compounds, and ERAD, which eliminates damaged proteins generated by such compounds, and extend our knowledge on the coordination of cellular networks that are responsible for coping with stress.

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