ידיעון תשס"ח


מעודכן ליום רביעי, 9 ביולי 2008

שימו לב: ידיעון זה בהחלט אינו סופי ואין להסתמך עליו.

סילבוס loanword phonology לשנת תשס"ח

(קורס מספר 06274210)

06274210  loanword phonology

סמינר מ"א פתוח לב"א

פורפ` צ`ארלס קיסברת`

Prerequisites: Advanced Phonology

This seminar will trace the history of research into the
phonological patterning of loanwords in a variety of languages,
beginning with early generative phonology (including its structuralist
antecedents) up through optimality theory and other lines of research.
The seminar will be concerned with issues of the extent to which
loanword phonology provides evidence as to the phonological system of
particular languages, as well as the question of what insight
different phonological approaches bring to understanding loanword
phonology in general. The papers read in the course will cover the
"classics" up through the cutting edge papers of the past few years.
A paper is required for the course and should involve the
analysis of loanword phonology (in relationship to the various issues
and approaches examined in the seminar) in a particular language for
which there is data or for which the student can assemble data.

פונולוגיה מתקדמים

הקורס יועבר בשפה האנגלית


  • יש להתעדכן בלוח הבחינות של החוג.

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