מעודכן ליום רביעי, 9 ביולי 2008
שימו לב: ידיעון זה בהחלט אינו סופי ואין להסתמך עליו.
סילבוס שיטות במחקר שדה לשנת תשס"ח
(קורס מספר 06274171)
06274171 שיטות במחקר שדה
פרופ` צ`ארלס קיסברת`
In this class we will, as a group, explore the linguistic structure of a (relatively under- described) language by eliciting data from a native-speaker consultant. Emphasis will be placed on working out the phonological and morphological structure of the language, but the students are free to pursue individual projects on any aspect of linguistic structure.
The class will elicit language data as a group for four hours a week. If circumstances permit, students may also have the opportunity to meet individually or in small groups with the consultant to pursue individual projects.
Evaluation for this course will be based on (a) participation in the collection of data and (b) a paper which describes and analyzes some aspect of the linguistic structure of the language studied.
Advanced Phonology and Advanced Syntax
הקורס יינתן בשפה האנגלית