0691.4879  שימושי חישה מרחוק לאיתור מחצבים | |
ד"ר זאב ברגר | שו"ס |
About the Course
The course is designed for advanced students in geology, geography and geophysics, who wish to learn about the application of remote sensing to petroleum exploration. The course will be based on four lectures that will be accompanied by lab work as well as homework assignments. Students do not require a strong background in remote sensing, but should have at least taken introductory courses in geology/earth sciences. The course is based on the lecturer’s textbook (Satellite Hydrocarbon Exploration), and will be accompanied by an exercise manual. Lecture 1-2 Introduction to remote sensing technology (image systems, digital data manipulation). Lecture 2-4 Image interpretation techniques Part 1 (exposed structures, stereo mapping). Lecture 4-7 Image interpretation techniques Part 2 (obscured and buried structures, basement warp structures). Lecture 7-12 Structural analysis of sedimentary basins (Paris Basin – France; Molasse Basin – Switzerland; Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin - Canada). | |
דרישות קדם: ד.ק. מבוא לחישה מרחוק. | הערות: הקורס יתקיים מה-5.1 עד ה-21.1. הקורס פתוח גם לתלמידי התואר הראשון שלמדו "מבוא לחישה מרחוק" |