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Iranian Culture and history have often been characterized by their immense ability to absorb and adapt different and often conflicting forces. Since the coming to power of the Qajar dynasty (1796-1925) - with the gradual increase of Iran’s contact with the western powers - Iran became the arena of growing western influence, reaching its climax with the rapid modernization under the Pahlave regime (1925-1979). These new influences serve as a background against which one has to study and assess the response of various social and political groups culminating in the Islamic Revolution of 1979.
The above themes and developments will constitute the subject matter of the course, which focuses on an analysis of the tension between Islam and the influence of the West from the nineteenth century up to our days. Required readings: Ervand Abrahamian Iran: Between Two Revolutions (Princeton: Princeton U.P., 1982) Nikki Keddie Roots of the Revolution: An Interpretive History of Modern Iran (New Haven: Yale U.P., 1981) Recommended readings: Shahrough Akhavi Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran (Albany: SUNY Press, 1980) David Menashri Iran: A Decade of War and Revolution (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1990 1. Introduction: Central Themes in the History of Modern Iran 2.& 3 The “Ulama” The Foundation of Their Power in Sh’i Iran Nikki Keddie “Iran: Change in Islam, Islam in Change,” IJMES, IX (1980), 527-42 Hamid Algar Religion and State in Iran: 1785-1906 (Berkeley: University of Califonria Press, 1969), 73-81-152-68 The Oppositional Role of the Ulama in Twentieth Century Iran,” in Nikki Keddie (ed.) Scholars, Saints and Sufis: Muslim Religious Institutions Since 1500 (Berkeley: University of California Press 1972), 231-56 Ann Lambton “A Reconsideration of the Position of the Marja’ al Taqlid and the Religious Institution,” Studia Islamica, 1964, 115-35 Shahrough Akhavi Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran, (Albany: SUNY Press, 1980), 1-22 Willem Floor “The Role of the Clergy in Modern Iranian Politics: Wishful Thinking or Reality ?” in Nikki Keddie (ed.) Religion and Politics in Iran: Shi’ism from Quitism to Revolution (New Haven: Yale U.P., 1983), 47-72 4. Westernizing Intellecturals: Sources of Their Ideology and the Limits of Their Power Mongol Bayat Mysticism and Dissent: Socioreligious Thought in Qajar Iran (Syracuse: Syracuse U.P., 1982), 133-75 David Menashri Education and the Making of Modern Iran (Ithaca: Cornell U.P., 1992), 66-75 Algar Religion and State, 169-204 Ervand Abrahmian Iran: Between Two Revolutions (Princeton, Princeton U.P., 1982), 50-69 Edward G. Brown The Persian Revolution of 1905-1909 (Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 1910), 1-30 5. The Image of the West and the Wish to Imitate in Nineteenth Century Iran Mirza Saleh Shirazi Travel Book (in Persian) Hajj Sayyah Mahalati Memoirs (in Persian) Mirza Abu Talem Khan Travel Book (in Persian) Talebov (Talebzade) The Book of Ahmad (in Persian) Those interested may find some enlighteneing passages on the image of Iran in Western eyes, during the nineteenth century, in the following books: James Morier The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Isfahan (numerous publications) A Journey Through Persia (London: 1812) A Second Journey Through Persia (London, Longman 1818 John Malcolm A History of Persia (London: Murray 1815) Edward G. Browne A Year Among the Persians (London: Adam and Black 1983) Alexis Soltikoff Voyage en Perse (Paris: Victor Logou 1854) Arthur Gobineau Religion et Philosophies dans L’Asie Centrale: (Paris: Callimard 1893) For a critical view on Western writing on the Middle East, see: Edward Said Orientalism (New York: Vintage Books, 1979) 6. Modern Concepts of Nationalism and Constitutionalism: Western Ideologies and Traditional leadership The Tobacco Movement: An anti-Western Protest ? Nikki Keddi Religion and Rebellion in Iran: The Tobacco Protest of 1891-1892 (London: Frank Cass 1966), 65-109 Roots of Revolutiion: An Interpretive History of Modern Iran, (New Haven Yale U,P., 1981), 40-62 Browne The Persian Revolution, 31-58 Abrahamian Between Two Revolutions, 69-80 The Constitutional Revolution: An Ideology Loan from the West ? Vanesa Martin Islam and Modernism: The Iranian Revolution of 1906 (Syracuse: Syracuse U.P. 1989), 11-34 Abrahamian Between Two Revolutions, 81-101 Nikki Keddie Iranian Politics 1900-1905; Background to Revolution, Middle Eastern Studies, V (1969), 3-31 Abdul-Hadi Hairi Sh’ism and Constitutionalism in Iran, Leiden:Brill, 1977), 11-54, 55-108 Hafiz Farman Farmayan, The Forces of Modernization in Nineteenth Century Iran: An Historical Survey,” in W.R. Polk and R.L. Chamber (eds.), Beginnings of Modernization in the Middle East: The Nineteenth Centruy (Chicago: Chicago U.P., 1969), 115-51 Said Arjomand “The Ulama’s Traditionalis Opposition to Parliamentarism 1907-1909: Middle Eastern Studies, 17 (1981), 174-90 7. The Reign of Reza Shah: A New Prototype of Westernizing Leader Donald Wilbur Riza Shah: The Resurrection of Iran, 1878-1944 (New York: 1975) 73-80, 113-24, 189-214 Amin Banani The Modernization of Iran 1921-1941 (Stanford: Stanford U.P. 1961), 28-52 L.P. Elwell-Sutton “Riza Shah the Great: Founder of the Pahlavi Dynasty,” in George Lenczowski (ed.), Iran Under the Pahlavis (Stanford: Hoover Institute, 1978), 1-50 Abrahamian Between Two Revolutions, 118-65 Akhavi 23-59 8. The Mosaddeq Movement (1951-1953): Secular Nationalism ? Richard Cottam, Nationalism in Twentieth Century Iran and Dr. Muhammad Mussaddiq,” in James Bill and Roger Louis (eds.) Musaddiq, Iranian Nationalism and Oil (London: Tauris, 1988), 23-46. (Also consult articles by Shahrough Akhavi, Habib Ladjevardi, Fakhreddin Azimi and Farhang Rajaee in the same volume) Keddie Roots of Revolution, 113-41 Abrahamian Between Two Revolutions, 281-325 Akhavi 60-90 Sepehr Zabih The Mussadigh Era (Chicago: Lake View Press, 1982), 3-19, 20-32 Muhammad Riza Mission for My Country (London: Hutchinson, 1961) (Shah) Pahlavi 82-110 Farhad Diba Mossadegh: A Political Biography (London: Groom Helm 1986), 115-75 9. The White Revolution: The Philosophy of the Revolution Muhammad Riza The White Revolution (Tehran: Kayhan, 1966), 1-24 (Shah Pahlavi) George Lenczowski “Political Process and Institution in Iran: The Second Pahlavi Kingship: in Lenczowski, Iran Under the Pahlavis, 433-76 Akhavi 117-58 10. The White Revolution: Westernization in Action Abrahamian Between Two Revolutions, 419-49 Keddie Roots of Revolution, 142-82 The Political System Marvin Zonis The Political Elite of Iran (Princeton: Princeton U.P., 1971), 80-117 Elwell-Sutton “Political Parties in Iran, 1941-1948,” Middle East Journal, vol. III, 45-62 Sepehr Zabih The Communist Movement in Iran: 1941-1945 (Berkeley: 1966), 1-22 Social and Economic Developments: Menashri David Education, Part III Charles Issawi The Iranian Economy 1925-1975: Fifty Years of Economic Development,” in Lenczowski, Iran Under the Pahlavis, 129-66 11. The Komeini Coalition: The Ideology of its Components Nikki Keddi “The Origins of Religious-Radical Alliance in Iran,” Past and Present, 34 (1966) 70-80 Roots of Revolution, 183-272 Akhavi 117-58 Ruhollah Khomeini The Islamic Government (for an English translation see Algar’s book: Imam Khomeini: Islam and Revolution- Writings and Declarations (London: KPI Press, 1985) 27-168 Ervand Abrahamian Radical Islam: The Iranian Mojahedin (London: Tauris 1989), see mainly chapters 3-7 12. The Islamic Republic in Action: Implementing Islam David Menashri Iran: A Decade of War and Revolution (New York: Holmes and Meier 1990), see mainly the Introduction and Postscript Shaul Bakhash The Reign of the Ayatollahs (Second ed., New York: Basic Books 1990) Ruhollah Ramazani Revolutionary Iran: Challenge and Response in the Middle East (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1986) mainly pp. 3-27 Cheril Benard and The Government of God: Iran’s Islamic Republic (New Zalmay Khalilzad York: Columbia U.P., 1984), 103-145 David Menashri (ed.) The Iranian Revolution and the Muslim World (Boulder: Westview 1990), see mainly articles by Farhad Kazemi and Joanne Hart, Peter Chelkowski and David Menashri 13. Concluding remarks: The Legacy of the West in an Islamic Republic | |
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