0626.2077  שירה ויקטוריאנית | |
ד"ר קרן אלקלעי גוט | שו"ת |
This course will examine some of the moral, ethical, romantic and aesthetic problems facing the poetry written during the reign of Queen Victoria by concentrating on various central figures, from Tennyson to Morris. The industrial revolution, the discoveries of Darwin, the alteration of significance of religion, resulted in the necessity of reevaluating institutions as broad as religion and as specific as love. This course will also focus on the aesthetic and decadent movement of the poetry written during the reign of Queen Victoria by concentrating on various central figures, from Swinburne to Yeats. The development of poetic forms, such as the sonnet sequence and the dramatic monologue, will be emphasized, particularly in their relation to the social and moral issues of the period.
PRIMARY TEXTS: The Norton Anthology of English Literature, V.II Internet texts. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: 2 hourly examinations, one final examination. | |
מועדי הבחינות: | |
מועד א' של סמסטר ב' יתקיים ביום 07/07/2004 בשעה 9:00 | |
מועד ב' של סמסטר ב' יתקיים ביום 08/08/2004 בשעה 9:00 |