מעודכן ליום שני 19 באפריל 2004

0626.2045  מחזות בעיתיים של שקספיר
ד"ר גבריאל ביינרשו"ת
The course focuses on two related groups of Shakespearean plays, which have the common denominator of relating both to tragedy and to comedy - one focusing mainly on the exploratory power of tragic stress within a comic frame, the other predominantly on the healing power of comedy beyond tragic threat. The conventional names for these groups are not particularly good, but they are used here for convenience of reference: 'problem plays' and 'romances'. Both groups have been regarded as difficult, sometimes even baffling; the project in this course is to make the plays accessible, whatever their complexity, through understanding the dramatic stragegy and its import.
The latest Arden edition is recommended, but the New Cambridge is a good alternative.

Problem Plays Romances
Measure for Measure Pericles
Troilus and Cressida Cymbeline
All's Well The Winter's Tale
The Tempest
מועדי הבחינות:
מועד א' של סמסטר א' יתקיים ביום 24/02/2004 בשעה 12:30
מועד ב' של סמסטר א' יתקיים ביום 02/06/2004 בשעה 18:00