0626.2025  ספרות הרנסאנס | |
ד"ר ארין הנריקסון | שו"ת |
The course is an introduction to the literature of the Renaissance and an investigation of the concept of “renaissance” in relation to British literature. We will explore the major genres of imaginative writing in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England, including drama, lyric, and epic poetry, and consider such major themes as the relationship between liberty and obligation and the emergence of print culture. Readings will be drawn from the works of Thomas More, Edmund Spenser, Philip and Mary Sidney, Shakespeare, John Donne, and Aemilia Lanyer, among others.
Texts: The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol. 1 (eds. Abrams and Greenblatt) and additional readings to be distributed. Requirements: One paper, midterm and final. | |
מועדי הבחינות: | |
מועד א' של סמסטר ב' יתקיים ביום 27/06/2004 בשעה 16:00 | |
מועד ב' של סמסטר ב' יתקיים ביום 28/07/2004 בשעה 9:00 |