Shahar Yuval, Dept. of Jewish History

Short Curriculum Vitae (highlights):

Date of Birth: 9th April 1953.

Place of Birth: Haifa, Israel.

Nationality: Israeli.

Army Service: Israel Defence Forces 11/1972- 10/1975.

Marital Status: Married, 3 children.

BA-Tel Aviv Univ. Jewish History and Philosophy,with credit,1983.
MA-Tel Aviv Univ. Jewish History, with distinction,1987. Subject of Thesis: The Great Jewish Revolt in Galilee. Thesis Supervisors: Prof. B.Isaac, Prof. A.Oppenheimer.
Ph.D-Tel Aviv Univ.,School of Jewish Studies,with distinction,1996. Subject of Thesis:Josephus’ Geography of Eretz Israel and its relation to Talmudic traditions and Hellenistic and Roman literature. Thesis Supervisors: Prof. B.Isaac, Prof. A.Oppenheimer.

1971-1972 Youth Leader,Jerusalem.
1975-1992 Cowman,Kibbutz Yagur, Kibbutz Gvat.
1992-1994 Kibbutz Secretary.

2.Professional and academic:
1986-present Member of Archaeological Survey Teams:
Survey of Israel:Western Galilee(headed by Dr R.Frankel).
Roman Roads in Judaea(headed by Prof.B.Isaac,Prof.I.Roll).
Survey of Subterranean Hideouts from the Period of the Bar Kochba Revolt.
Academic Employment:Tel Aviv Univ. Dept. of Jewish History 1984-present; Seminar Oranim 1985-1986;Haifa Univ. Dept. of Jewish History 1996/7.

Membership of Professional Organisations
The Historical Society of Israel.
The World Union of Jewish Studies

Major publications (books and major articles):

Y.Shahar,Y.Tepper,Jewish Towns and Villages in Galilee and their Underground Hideouts,Tel Aviv 1985.

Ed. with Y.Tepper,The Caves of Maresha and the Underground Hideouts,Tel Aviv 1988; Ancient Ascents to Jerusalem,Tel Aviv 1988.

Y.Shahar,"The Conflict between the Jewish and non- Jewish Inhabitants of Eretz-Israel during the First Jewish War",Cathedra 51(1989),3-20.
Y.Shahar,’Forbidding of the nailed sandal-The study of an historical halacha in A.Kloner,Y.Tepper(Eds),The Hiding Complexes in the Judean Shephelah,Tel Aviv 1987; 11Chapters with Y.Tepper in ditto.
Y.Shahar,Y.Tepper,"Arbel in Galilee",Cathedra 61(1992),24-53.
In English: with Y.Tepper 3 Appendices in M.Fischer,B.Isaac,I.Roll,
Roman Roads in Judaea II:The Jaffa Jerusalem Roads,Oxford 1996.

Teaches in the following subject areas:

Historical Geography of Eretz-Israel in the Roman and Byzantine periods.
The Talmudic Literature as a source to the Historical Geography of Eretz Israel.
Uebanization and Transport in Roman Palestine.
Social and economic changes of the jewish society during the periods of Mishna and Talmud.
Eretz-Israel and the Diaspora-mutual contact and competition.

Teaches the following courses in the current academic year:

Halachic Geography of Eretz-Israel- between Josephus and the talmudic traditions.
Jerusalem after the Second Temple destruction-memory,vision and reality.
The byzantine Period-the Cross in the Holy Land.

Areas of current research interest:

The history of the Halachic Geography

Additional points of contact (office/home telephone,fax,etc.):

Address: Kibbutz Gvat M.P Haamakim 30050 Israel.
Tel.: 00-972-6-6549736.
Fax: 00-972-6-6547970.