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- The Galileo Project
- IMSS - History of Science Museum - Multimedia Catalogue
- The Art of Renaissance Science
- Galileo: the Telescope & the Laws of Dynamics
- The Art of Renaissance Science: Galileo and Perspective
- Galileo and the Telescope
- The StarChild Project: Connecting NASA and the K12 Classroom
- Catalog of Planetary GIF Images
- NASA Information Services via World Wide Web
- Earth
- Netscape: Life and Earth Science resources
- VolcanoWorld Home Page
- Microelectronics Research Center Home Page
- Optical Technology Division
- PDS Imaging Node - Clementine Mission to the Moon - Online Resources
- ESO Science Archive Databases
- Planetary Sciences at the NSSDC
- SEDS Internet Space Warehouse
- The WWW Virtual Library: Astronomy and Astrophysics
- The Art of Renaissance Science
- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
- National Air & Space Museum
- The Smithsonian Institution Home Page
- Oxford
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