No, these aren't the words ... yet ...
For some strange reason, I couldn't seem to find who wrote the original hit pop
song via an AltaVista search. Luckily there are other sources of information available
to me, Tzippi, for instance, who right away knew that it was by the Bee Gees.
Actually, I have no doubt that somewhere on the web (probably even in numerous
places) that information is available, but it's the sort of information you have
to know in order to find it, and if you already know it, why look for it? There's
no logic in doing a search on "words" - even "it's only words"
brings up too many hits to check. Checking "words" and "Bee Gees"
would probably do the trick, but once again, if I'd have known to look for "Bee
Gees" I wouldn't have had to look at all. Presently there's a cover out,
by a group called Boyzone, and someone in Indonesia, no less, perhaps a fan, or
at least someone who wanted to play with links and chose to do so on the word
"words", graciously
made the words of the song available to us (I found them by searching for the
entire first two lines of the chorus).
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