An all too didactic example of a link.
For instance, that was one there. Was there any reason
to click on it? For the reader, perhaps the best reason would be that he
or she was bored with the line of argument in the referring
page and was willing to do anything to get away from it. And for the
writer? Linking is similar to parenthesis or footnotes where an aside gets
embedded into the central argument but in such a way that we still can
easily discern what the central argument is. But it's also lip-service
to a set of expectations. Just as in genre literature (romance novels,
detective stories) the reader has the right to expect certain plot developments,
so in a webbed environment authors aren't fulfilling their function properly
if they don't provide ample opportunities to click on links (like
those that lead back to the central argument) even if they all link
back to the same page.
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