Still going strong
Almost a year ago I at least cursorily examined make
money fast schemes via the internet in a column that dealt with personal
vs. impersonal e-mail, and alluded to them again a
few months later when examining spam. Back then I enjoyed collecting
the various reports that showed up on the listservs I read - reports in
which someone invariably told us that he never believed in schemes of this
sort, but being in desperate need of funds decided to give it a try, and
lo and behold, it worked. And since he was now rich he wanted to give us
poor readers a chance to become rich as well.
Someone, sometime, is probably going to write thesis on these schemes,
examining the frequency with which they show up on various newsgroups.
I'd suggest also examining (if one can get informaton on the subject) the
amount of experience the posters have on the internet, and what other uses
they make of it other than as a source of wealth. For my own part, in the
past three months only three letters of this sort have shown up on the
lists I subscribe to. But then perhaps we're in a dry period and they'll
spring up again soon.
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