I don't even watch the X-Files, but the program has almost countless official and unofficial web sites, and linking to one of those is simply one additional means of making use of what this technology has to offer.
David Weinberger, in his 1995 article The Ecstatic Document, tell us that we read a good web document
not so much for what it says but for the links it shows you to other information.Sometimes that information is related, pertinent, useful. But at other times it's simply associative - more information that is there for the taking, a network that sometimes exists more because there's no reason that it shouldn't than because the linked to information is actually important.
Go to: The link is out there, or
Go to: It's more than just words and
links, you know, or
Go to: Trying to make some
sense out of all this, or
Go to: An introduction to the extroduction,
Go to: Web Essays - The evolution of a (personal?)