When is a blog not a blog?

For some people hypertext is confusing. For others it's necessary. A number of months ago my brother started moving his extensive and long-standing web site to a blog format. The move was quite successful, and aesthetically pleasing, but he found that something was missing. He wrote and asked how he could link to another page in his blog without that page being a post that would show up in the list of posts. In other words, he wanted to nest a page "under" another page, making it accessible only from that page.

It turns out that something that's obvious in an HTML environment, something that hardly demands a second thought there, is almost counter-intuitive in a blog environment. Blogs "do hypertext" differently than traditional websites. The basic building block of a blog is the post, and because of this posts don't "expect" to branch out into sub-pages. We found a workaround (a good rule of thumb is that if you can think of a need, somebody else has probably thought of it, and perhaps solved it, as well), but simply recognizing the problem also made it clear that the vast majority of blogs simply don't "think" in terms of nesting.

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