I admit that it's sort of out of character.
Followers of these columns (if there are any) may be aware of my ongoing reluctance
to link to articles on the New York Times web site. The problem is that many,
if not most, of the articles on that site are moved rather quickly to the archives,
and from there, only a brief synopsis of each article, and an invitation to purchase
it, is available. Not infrequently copies of articles first printed in the Times
get posted on various sites and can be found on them, though whether or not linking
to these is legitimate is another complex question. One
young kid devised a rather simple method for finding the entire article on
the Times site itself. If we know the URL for a Times article (something that
usually leads us to the archive) we can copy that URL and paste it into the
search box on this kids' site, and the original article, inside the New York
Times site, comes up. Very nice.
Go to: It's not exactly Rashamon, but ...,
Go to: Guilt by hyperlink?