Information Anxiety 2
by David Sume, Loring Leifer, Richard Saul Wurman. Paperback -
(December 14, 2000) 308 pages. A follow up to the first edition, Information
Anxiety 2 teaches critical lessons for functioning in today's Information
Age. In this new book, Wurman examines how the Internet, desktop computing,
and advances in digital technology have not simply enhanced access to
information, but in fact have changed the way we live and work. In examining
the sources of information anxiety, Wurman takes an in-depth look at how
technological advances can hinder understanding and influence how business
is conducted. A guide to clarity in an age of massive information overloads.
Offers perspective on the problem of pervasive amounts of meaningless
information and how to sort through the mess. Includes detailed photographs,
tables and other visual aids.