Equal in various realms.

Almost four years ago I also noted that the internet was a great equalizer. That time it referred to the fact that since we don't really know who the other person on the other side of particular advice that we're receiving is, we're forced to evaluate that advice on its own terms, and not because it's being offered as "expert" opinion by someone with a gray beard, or certain initials before or after his or her name. That's a somewhat different sort of equality than the one we've encountered here - an equality of content. When the internet turned self-publishing into an activity that anyone could perform, cyberspace filled up with vast quantities of "information" that didn't necessarily pass through any system of evaluation or editing. Whether or not in a situation such as this the cream can still rise to the top, or whether or not it's still possible to even identify something than can be defined as cream, is still yet to be seen.

Go to: The truth about the internet, or
Go to: All that technology for ... that?