We can read your thoughts.

One year ago, in a somewhat different context, I mentioned Kevin Warwick, and his attempt to implant a "microelectrode array" into his body. Essentially, Warwick wanted a mechanism that would record, and transmit, his thoughts and sensations inside his body. What I found most interesting in Warwick's experiment was the fact that, taken to its extreme, it would make it impossible to lie - which would cause us to lose an important social function. Warwick was quite the rage a couple of years ago, but seems to have stopped attracting media attention of late. A check for Warwick via Google News while preparing this column brought up only two somewhat recent references to him, one in which he comments on the dangers of electronic surveillance, and the other (which gave me a reason to toot my own horn) recalled his implanting because of a recent, similar, invention.

Warwick wasn't the only person thinking along these lines. A couple of years ago other scientists were experimenting with "brain fingerprinting" though I don't know where this has developed since then.

Go to: If you ain't got nothing to hide..., or
Go to: They've got a little list.