Ninety columns / Ninety years - a pleasant coincidence.
A few years ago I invited most of the names in my address book to send birthday greetings to my mother. I'm quite sure that invitation went out via e-mail because my attempts to find it in these columns have been unsuccessful, and the only other means by which I would have made such a request would have been via e-mail. More than a handful of friends followed through, and contributed to making my mother's birthday that year a festive occasion. Today, the date of the posting of the 90th Boidem column, is her 90th birthday. It's the sort of coincidence that offers itself pretty much by chance (I certainly didn't plan this seven and a half years ago when I first started posting these columns), though of course offering is one thing, and attending to the logistics in order to take advantage of it is another. And it goes without saying that with a tie-in such as this, there's no need to look for some slightly less than memorable historical event that I can commemorate here.
Though her computer is more or less always open, Mom doesn't use her e-mail very often. Because she was an excellent typist and didn't need to learn new typing skills in order to use her computer, we had thought that she'd take fairly quickly to this "new" technology. But she found she had little need for it. Even so, readers are most definitely invited to send her e-mail greetings and wish her a happy birthday. She'll be very pleased to receive them.
Go to: They've got a little list.