Making me jealous.
In general, I can appreciate a job well done, even if it's in an area that doesn't really interest me. I'm not much of a sports fan, for example, but when I see a well executed soccer goal, I'm impressed. Thus, though I don't see myself as a blogger, I know a good one when I see one.
But what really impresses me is when I find people who can write a good article, and also post a good blog. I've found a number of examples of this dual virtuosity, though in this particular case neither the web site nor the blog are "personal". Either way, I tip my hat to the folks at The Technology Review. There are a couple of columnists at that journal whose monthly columns I almost always read. They write well constructive, thought provoking and convincing essays. But they also post interesting items to a blog a couple of times a week as well. And somehow they seem to know when to keep their vignettes short and suggestive, inviting further investigation, and when to sink their teeth into a more meaty article.
Go to: I give up, or
Go to: And not really that different, or
Go to: Not for me, it isn't, or
Go to: The ethos of blog.