When do you get your work done?
As I've confessed here a number of times, like many people I know, the latest entries at Arts and Letters Daily (is that a blog?) are something I try to review, if not read, at least a couple of times a week. In addition, about twelve e-mail newsletters (that I read) arrive in my inbox at least once a week each. There are about five or six others that I receive but don't read, but to which I haven't yet decided to cancel my subscriptions. On top of all these, a number of friends distribute lists (okay, most of these are jokes we've all seen before) that I at least glance at. Assuming that a similar situation holds for most of the readership of the Boidem, inviting those readers to review yet another list seems almost sadistic. Frankly, one of the things I find hardest to understand about blogs is how they can possibly develop a regular readership, if their central activity is sending people to read something else. An additional problem, of course, is that if everybody is blogging, who has the time to read anybody else's blog?
Go to: I have dabbled a bit, or
Go to: The ethos of blog.