Broadcast a birth?

"Why not?" just doesn't seem to be a good enough reason when considering the possibility of posting certain life-cycle events to the internet - live. When, quite a few years back, what was to be the first broadcast of a delivery of a baby via a web camera to a website was reported, it seemed to me that the more logical question would have been "would you invite 100 people into your delivery room?". I wouldn't. Even though Hila's birth, including a photograph of her, was posted to my web site well before she'd even gotten a name, that was a public announcement. It's not that the birth itself was private - that's not really the proper word. Instead, it was personal, but of course digital media have contributed greatly to the blurring of the barriers between the personal and the public.

Go to: Would you post photographs of a funeral to a web site?, or
Go to: Spreading the word, or
Go to: If you knew him like we knew him.