... and again, and again ...
I've raised this issue numerous times in the past. For instance:
I've asked are there any readers of these columns?,
and I've hinted in passing: Readers of these columns (if there are any) that perhaps there aren't.
I've been generous with my numbers: So instead of ten readers, perhaps there are fifteen.,
yet I've refrained from exaggerating: What's more, with sixty columns already posted, it's a fair guess that I've written more columns than I've got readers.
And in the midst of more serious matters I've returned again to that same topic: If the Boidem has any readers at all.
But of course I choose to see these comments as part of the construction of a consistent universe rather than some mournful begging for recognition. With my salary, I can't really afford a psychologist.
Go to: Keep those cards and letters coming, or
Go to: My greatest fear.