Once upon a time ...
I love reading personal web sites. Sometimes I love reading them because they make me scratch my head and ask myself why someone would want to write about him or herself in such a way in such a public medium, and sometimes because they truly succeed in giving a believable glimpse into the uniqueness of someone whom I'll probably never meet yet feel that I've come to know.
Many of the personal sites I visit (or chance upon) have photographs, and yes, I even enjoy seeing them (even when they're of the family dog) but my favorites are almost exclusively textual. I personally enjoy having the opportunity to create a picture in my mind, rather than having one jump out at me. So even though I'd like the world to see how wonderful my kids are, I no longer feel an urge to post photographs of them on my site.
Go to: What should my personal home pages deal with?, or,
Go to: On regaining a cyberdentity.