It's a question of context.
Many, perhaps too many, personal vignettes find their way into these columns. If I could devote my personal site to those vignettes, perhaps I'd be able to filter them out of the Boidem. But then, in that case, the Boidem would no longer be the Boidem. After all, it anything makes it distinctive (do I dare write worthwhile?) it's the degree to which I attempt to examine issues that many others examine as well through a personal lens which isn't only how I see things but also, and perhaps primarily how they show up in my life. So the personal stories that I tell are not (I hope) only a way of writing about myself, but also a reflection of how the topics examined in the Boidem actually express themselves in my life. And if that's the case, I not only don't need, but even don't want, a personal web site in order to simply tell stories about myself.
Go to: What should my personal home pages deal with?, or,
Go to: On regaining a cyberdentity.