On the internet it just didn't click.

The fad was big for a while, but it's hard to even find traces of it anymore. My (very) old bookmarks lead to dead ends. Generations ago (by internet standards) production companies hired students to move into houses in which each roommate kept an online diary of his or her experiences. These were accompanied by lots of photos, and later by more advanced online tools. Readers (online visitors) were invited to interact with the roommates, and to suggest how the interactions between them should develop. It was a sort of do it yourself soap opera: should Jane fall for Bob? If so, how should he respond? And for a while they blossomed. For a short while. It didn't take long until web-surfer interest moved elsewhere. These online dramas are hardly remember. If anyone remembers the names of any of them (or still has working bookmarks for them) please let me know.

Go to: Making it seem real isn't that easy., or
Go to: A life (sort of) lived.