Taking "too far" much too far.

As is probably clear even from this early stage, I'm not in favor of these drastic measures. In my particular case the group I work with rents offices within the building that belongs to our host, and though we use the computer and internet services that go along with paying the rent, we're not really part of the "main office". That means that our mail is on different servers as well, and it makes sense for us to want to check mail when we arrive in the morning and throughout the day. But even were this a case of employees wanting to check mail on their home, rather than their work addresses, for instance, this is definitely something that should be possible, and even expected. Closing off addresses on other domains, even in the interests of protecting a system goes, to my mind, against the grain of the basic nature of the internet.

But things don't stop there. For a while access to e-mail even via Hotmail accounts was shut off as well. Thus, if someone thought to him or herself that they could use other internet tools to still achieve access to their mail, they were in for a surprise. Having already confessed that I use a different web-based mail program for checking my mail when I can't directly access my POP account, I wasn't affected by this measure, but many others were ... or at least until someone realized that this was going too far.

Go to: The Return of the PC.