I admit it, I panicked.
The logical thing to do in a situation such as this (if you're me) is to take a deep breath and get a screen shot of the dialog box that tells you that kernel32.exe is trying to connect to the internet. After all, my hard disk isn't going to crash within two minutes of my discovering that I've been infected, is it? I should have more than enough time to get the graphic proof of what I'm writing about so that I can integrate it into these pages. But I guess that the subject matter got the best of me for that critical moment and instead of thinking about how nice such a graphic would look in this column I thought only about getting rid of that virus. And so it is that instead of an impressive screen shot I only have my own words as proof of the story I'm telling. That, and a computer that's still functioning.
Go to: It happened in (much too) real time, or
Go to: The Return of the PC.