Somehow saving a copy here just doesn't seem right.
I've made a habit of copying some of the pages that I refer to in these columns, and posting those copies here. Usually I do this when I have reason to assume that the page I'm referring to is going to disappear. But in the case of the Trojan Room Coffee Machine doing that doesn't really have the right ring to it. After all, the camera isn't something that might disappear; it's very publicly being taken down. So why should I keep a copy? Perhaps the best I can do is post here a copy of what seems to be the last camera shot posted (it hasn't changed in quite a while). Quite a while ago someone else posted a more impressive short movie of that same coffee machine, and considering that any shot seems to be as good as any other when it comes to a now defunct machine that nobody reading these pages was going to pour a cup out of anyway, I suppose that linking to that movie is enough. I have no idea how long it's going to be kept on the web.
And as to that last (and even laster) photograph of the coffee machine:
Go to: When it rains, it pours, or
Go to: The Promise of Ubiquitous Access.