Just what is this column about, anyway?
I'll readily admit that often these columns have a way of "writing themselves". I may start with a clear picture of what I want to write about, and even with extensive notes, but often I discover that a rather innocuous link leads me off on unexpected tangents that cause the end product to be quite a bit different from my original plan. That's not the case with this particular column, but not because I stayed close to the original plan. Quite the opposite. This time there was little else beyond a very vague idea that I thought deserved to be dealt with. I wasn't even sure that I'd succeed in filling it out, and was ready with a couple of alternative topics had I discovered that nothing was taking shape.
Of course in cases such as this the main danger is that the column becomes an end in itself: I allow myself to link to whatever comes to mind, and hypertext becomes an excuse for not being focused, rather than an integral part of the thinking process that builds a more or less coherent whole.
This time I have to admit that I'm not really sure about the outcome. I'm not even sure if the title really reflects the topic.
Go to: The Promise of Ubiquitous Access.