... and the coffee came along with it.
It's probably an apochryphal story, but I've heard it more than once:
There are apparently at least a handful of people out there who pay tuition
to the university even though they have no real intention of completing
a degree. Why would someone want to waste money in this way? I might do
it for the library privileges, but the reason I've heard in these stories
is because paying tuition brings with it usage privileges in the university
swimming pool, and in the long run it's cheaper to pay tuition to the university
than to join the country club. I'm not sure there's a corralary to this
in internet use, but it's definitely possible that someone would buy a
product for the prize rather than the product itself. I'm convinced that
Nadav doesn't really want the potato chips he asks for, but instead wants
whatever is being given away inside the bag.
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