I just started shooting, that's it. I just did it for the fun of it. I just don't like Mondays....I just did it because it's a way to cheer the day up. Nobody likes Mondays.became the basis for a popular song, I Don't Like Mondays (those are the words; a musical snippet can be found here) by a by-now rather forgotten rock group, the Boomtown Rats.
And Brenda? Not too long ago she was up for parole, which was denied.
She was sentenced to two 25 years to life sentences, but even the internet
which reports her story a few times, hasn't really kept tabs on what's
happening with her. More than 20 years ago, opening fire on a school yard
was still, apparently, a novel enough event to merit a controversial popular
song. Today it seems that if only two people get killed, it's hardly newsworthy.
Even if, however, she's no longer a significant member in the pantheon
of mass killers, her opinion on Mondays has become an integral part of
popular culture.