Leaving a website trail.
It seems that every place that we visit or pass has its own website. There's no longer any need to buy postcards - just bookmark the web sites of the places you visit and organize them in a "My Trip" folder. Want to call upon those unforgettable memories? Those bookmarks will be as useful as any photo album.

But of course other questions come to mind as well? Let's say we conceded that there's a certain logic in checking out the website of a museum you've visited, perhaps even of a restaurant at which you dined. So far, so good. But why would a far from impressive Canadian city such as Cornwall advertise itself as you pass by not as the something or other capital of the world, but with a sign that gives the official website of the city? How many motorists are going to jot down the URL (slowing down to take their pen and paper, if not their Palm IIIs, from their pockets in order to scribble down the address) and then remember to type it into their browsers when they get to their next destination? I might do that sort of thing, but only to make a point of some sort.

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