Part of what makes the Boidem interesting (for me at least) is the atmosphere
that it creates through a rather freewheeling use of associative hypertext.
It just doesn't have the same feel when printed on paper. But paper is
the medium of the university, so something had to be printed. One of the
possibilities was printing out the entirely of the Boidem, by it was quickly
understood that even without inserting the proper page number to turn to
next to each link, this just wouldn't give the right feel for the project.
The compromise of a printed out section along with an all-inclusive CD
seems to be fair as far as form goes, and I'm both pleased and relieved
that I was able to maintain textual and stylistic consistency rather than
have to clothe everything in a framework that might be fitting for the
library, but wouldn't feel right as the Boidem.