For some strange reason that can probably find its origins in some totally functional chance occurrence, such as my first uploading these columns around the 20th of the month, almost all the Boidem columns carry dates close to the beginning of the third third of each month. Once a date such as that becomes a habit it becomes hard to change it. After all, preparing a columns takes a couple of weeks, and usually after uploading one I give myself about a week's rest before starting to organize my thoughts and notes on the next. Rather naturally a month becomes the obvious spread. (The main contents page still carries the title "an occasional column..." even though the occasion has quite clearly become monthly.)
This column takes a bit of a break from that predictable clockwork. On the one hand it's only around this date that I'm getting back on track after a lengthy break from Boidem regularity, and of course on the other, what could be more fitting than to post a column devoted to the idea of Zionism in the internet age on Yom HaAtzmaut?
Go to: Virtual Zionism?