I like numerous sorts of music. My main love is late 1960's jazz, and much that continued that tradition well into the 80's. Perhaps I'd like more contemporary music, but with three young children in the house it's hard to find time to listen to enough music to develop an opinion. John Coltrane and Ornette Coleman were my musical heroes in the sixties, so anyone who claimed that I wore my hair long to emulate my heroes was at least a bit off the mark. Eric Dolphy died before I started listening to his music.
I enjoy listening to western classical music, almost anything on the continuum from Bach to minimalism. Tzippi exposed me to horn music within this tradition, and I of course hear much of that as well. Sometimes I even hear music through the ears of a horn player who tends to hear something very different from what someone in an audience hears.
And I honestly like the blues as well. Frankly, most of my listening
time is travelling time, and it's hard for me to listen to western classical
or to intense jazz while driving, but blues is wonderful for that sort
of situation. So even if it's not my, or the reader's, favorite, it certainly
can't hurt to read about my search.